Different ways to access and type of user
There are four ways to access Deskero, depending on the type of user:
- Public portal: the clients of our subscribers can take advantage of some Deskero features without being registered, like consult the knowledge base and insert a ticket.
This feature is customizable:
Go into Settings.
Click on Global Settings in Customize tab.
If you want to let unregistered customers to insert ticket, flag the question: Do you want to make it possible to insert a ticket without registering?
If you want your knowledge base be public, flag the question: Do you want to make it possible to browse the knowledge base without registering?
Hit Confirm at the end of the page.
- Customer: registered users have their own personal area where they can consult the knowledge base, propose new content, insert and respond to tickets, see the history of your requests.
- Agent: every customer care agent has a reserved area on Deskero where he can access to all the features of the software (depending on the plan you’re paying for). Agents handle tickets, use the social monitor, the chat, the dashboard, the client records.
- Administrator: the administrator has access to the configurations of the system and all the analytics.
- Internal Agents: the Power plan includes free access to internal agents (administrative staff, coordinators, other staff members ...), who supervise the work and help other agents to solve the requests. They can edit a ticket, add attachment in a ticket, insert notes in a ticket, access to reports, access to knowledge base, chat with agents.